Coaching Options

from $100.00

Hourly Coaching Options:
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  1. New Players start out with the 4 hour Basic Training Program

  2. New Players can start off with 10 Hour Program Coaching Options

  3. Continuing Players can add sessions - This is the only option that will show as 1 hour.

  4. On Demand Academy - Schedule a Lesson film evaluation and receive tips and feedback from Coach Assad. Video from side angle 3 angles from approx 10 feet away - Keep Camera Stationary This will show as 1.5 hour on Options.

Player Development Details: Training with Coach Assad and or Agreed named Staff for players for the agreed number of hours on the field typically starts with a 1 or  2 hour field sessions on Day 1. At this session Coach Assad will observe warm up routine, progression habits and ability to kick, punt or long snap.   On Day 2 at the agreed time the we progress into more advanced technique and mental focus considerations.  Players should bring at least 2-5 of their own football (kickers and punters/1 ball for long snappers) cleats athletic apparel, Kicking Tees if applicable and something to drink.  If you don’t have these items make sure to tell us so we can try to have some there for you. Make sure you have a parent or permission slip for medical release for treatment if under 18 otherwise. You may want to   stop ahead of time for bathroom as there is no guarantee the facility restrooms will be available and you have had something to eat and drink and have water or a sports drink on hand.

On Demand Academy - Schedule a Lesson film evaluation and receive tips and feedback from Coach Assad. Video from side angle 3 angles from approx 10 feet away - Keep Camera Stationary This will show as 1.5 hour on Options.

Choose a Skill to be evaluated for your lesson

  1. Punt - Side Front Rear VIew

  2. Long Snap Side / Front / Rear View

  3. Kick - Front Open SIde Angle 45 degrees on kicking leg side / Side and Rear View

Add Sessions: Continuing Students can Add Sessions - This will show as 1 hour on the Coaching Options


All Players are responsible for their own Travel cost and attend training or camps and combine events at their own risk and hold Paul Assad Specialist Harmless at fault in the result of injury or mishap that leads to injury loss of earnings, draft status or otherwise and understands that Paul Assad Specialist has the right to use player name, pictures and likeness for marketing purposes of camp description and alumni on social media, website or other camp material. Appoints that are cancelled less then 24 hour notice are subject to 50% charge.